Take Your PowerShell Scripts to the Next Level
Few PowerShell users know that, with the right IT automation, they can improve productivity and drastically enhance new and existing PowerShell scripts.
by ActiveBatch by Redwood
Simplify your automation environment with templated Job Steps for PowerShell
ActiveBatch supports PowerShell as part of the Integrated Jobs Library with powerful Job Steps that simplify the automation of your PowerShell scripting.
PowerShell has become a powerful framework and is the de-facto standard scripting language for the automation and administration of Windows applications and systems. ActiveBatch Workload Automation and Enterprise Job Scheduling offers object-level integrated support for PowerShell, providing users with improved integration and execution of PowerShell scripts with object collection passing from one Job Step to another. As PowerShell Job Steps execute within the context of an ActiveBatch Job, they enjoy all the features of that object, including constraints, resource management, and dynamic event-based execution, resulting in improved control and flexibility.
Gain flexibility and increase productivity with an intelligent workload automation solution that enhances the power of PowerShell scripts.
Implementing PowerShell scripts within ActiveBatch’s Integrated Jobs Library provides developers the ability to add new functionality, up and / or downstream from the script using the prebuilt functions (e.g. Active Directory, Exchange, Skype, etc.) to enhance any new or existing PowerShell script with capabilities without having to write additional lines of code.
The powerful Job Steps within ActiveBatch empowers PowerShell scripts with a wide range of new capabilities:
By leveraging PowerShell within ActiveBatch’s environment, users can easily integrate PowerShell scripts into complex business and IT workflows comprising various technologies, applications, and databases.
In addition to the Integrated Jobs Library, ActiveBatch provides a built-in PowerShell Module for programmatic access.
Automate and integrate PowerShell scripts with ActiveBatch Workload Automation.
Few PowerShell users know that, with the right IT automation, they can improve productivity and drastically enhance new and existing PowerShell scripts.
Discover the advantages of Windows job scheduling and how it can help your organization streamline IT processes.
Job orchestration tools enable IT to string automated jobs into end-to-end processes that streamline the delivery of data. See how orchestration helps IT.
Low-Code IT Automation solutions allows users to reduce reliance on custom scripting, but it doesn’t mean that IT should completely eliminate scripts.