Top 5 IT Automation Resources of 2015
We've put together our top IT Automation resources with tips, how to's, and best practices to help you achieve automation superhero status.

Are you ready to step up your automation game? We’ve put together our best IT automation resources with tips, how to’s, and best practices that will have your colleagues calling you an automation superhero in 2016.
1. Overcoming the 4 Critical Challenges of IT Operations
Let’s face it. IT is dealing with a lot more than just four problems. But if we had to list all of the challenges facing IT today, we’d need a soap box to stand on. This resource explores some of the top issues faced by IT Operations and how to approach those issues from an automation angle. Additionally, this White Paper offers a look at two automation users who were able to improve their DevOps processes and other business processes with IT automation.
2. Discovering the Leading Advantages of a Modern IT Automation Solution
Originally posted a few months ago, this White Paper is the first in a two-part series explaining the advantages of a modern automation solution versus traditional legacy job schedulers. This resource provides insight on how modern automation can reduce costs and improve IT agility. It also covers three different migration strategies that organizations can use to move from a legacy job scheduler to a modern solution.
3. Migration Planning Kit
This is the second half to the Leading Advantages White Paper above. The Migration Planning Kit provides an expert guide on how to approach the automated migration process from start to finish, defining deliverables and requirements from both the solution provider and the customer. The Kit also includes a useful checklist that’s great for IT Managers and Directors who want a step by step visual during the process.
4. Solving the Cloud Resource Management Problem with IT Automation
In this White Paper, we share best practices for managing hybrid computing resources through workload automation software. The fact is, nearly half of large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of 2017. As organizations are adding more virtual and cloud systems to their infrastructure, there needs to be some management and monitoring in place so that systems aren’t left running long after they’re actually needed. This White Paper helps users understand how they can use automation to optimize their virtual and cloud investments.
5. Build & Automate Workflows in Half the Time
Too often we see organizations are bogged down with writing, managing, and updating custom scripts each time an IT or business process needs to be created or changed. As a result, there’s no time left for innovation or tackling those higher level projects that move the business forward. This White Paper is a great resource for IT professionals looking for a better solution than custom scripting.
Well, there you have it! We hope to bring you more interesting, useful resources in 2016 and if you have any topics you’d like to see us cover, please leave a comment below.