Category: Digital Transformation

Forrester's predictions for 2022 require centralized, extensible automation

The Automation Mandate Of Forrester’s 2022 Predictions

IT modernization initiatives must leverage automation in order to meet desired business goals

IT modernization hinges on a successful automation strategy

Low-code platforms provide prebuilt integrations and visual workflows editors so IT can rapidly assemble and iterate processes.

What are the Benefits of Low-Code IT Development?

An automation architect designs and implements enterprise automation strategies

Automation architect: What is it, and does your team need one?

Cloud repatriation and unavoidable and require workload mobility across disparate cloud vendors

Cloud Repatriation Isn’t Going Away — Here’s How To Prepare

Hybrid IT automation enables IT teams integrate, manage and orchestrate processes across cloud-based and on-premises systems

Hybrid IT automation: The first step for cloud expansion

Manage workloads across distributed and cloud-based environments with a data center driven by extensible workload automation

Data Center Transformation: Connecting Legacy With Cloud

NoOps relies on IT automation and analytics to eliminate the need for manual operations tasks

Preparing For A NoOps Future With IT Automation

Digital platform conductor tools enable IT teams to orchestrate application workloads and IT infrastructure.

Gartner’s Digital Platform Conductor Is A Much Bigger Trend

Extensible workload automation can be used to seamlessly manage processes across multi-cloud environments.

Simplifying Multi-Cloud Management With Workload Automation

The role of IT is changing as businesses rely more on digital technology, making IT business alignment critical to long-term success.

IT Business Alignment Is Key To Long-Term Strategy – An Overview

Self-healing IT operations environments use automation and analytics to predict, detect, prevent, and remediate issues.

Self-Healing IT Operations: What To Know To Get Started

IT teams are turning to APIs in order to quickly connect new tools and technologies. APIs are flexible and reliable, they come with their own set of challenges.

Benefits And Challenges Of API Transformation: An IT Overview

API Automation Testing Is Key To Flexible, Reliable IT Automation

Reduce IT Complexity

Reduce IT Complexity by Centralizing Your IT Automation

Organizations are migrating to automation and orchestration platforms in order to increase efficiency, resiliency, and innovation.

How Advanced Automation Will Drive Transformation in 2021

Process orchestration tools are allowing IT to rapidly integrate new tools and design automated end-to-end processes.

Process Orchestration Is Taking Automation To The Next Level

Digital transformation trends for 2021 include an increased business reliance on IT, accelerating DX initiatives, and an increase in automation.

Digital Transformation Trends: An IT Perspective

Automation and orchestration are necessary for rapidly automating new business and IT processes.

Automation vs Orchestration? Wrong Question.

RPA projects have a success rate of about 50%, due in large part to the inflated expectations of business leaders.

Here’s Why RPA Fails to Meet IT Expectations

IT operations automation reduces the manual tasks IT is responsible for, driving efficiency and allowing IT professionals to focus on higher-value projects that require creativity and long-term planning.

IT operations automation — An overview of how to transform your IT operations

Hyperautomation is a combination of AI, orchestration, and automation

What is Hyperautomation? It’s Orchestration and Automation.

Orchestration and automation platforms are revamping IT

Gartner: Revamp IT with Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms

Techquilibrium is a balancing act that provides businesses with agility

Gartner’s TechQuilibrium: Business Success is a Digital Balancing Act