Category: IT Automation

The evolution of ETL in the age of automated data management

A look back at 7 Gartner 2023 IT automation trend predictions

What is API Integration? A Guide for Non-Technical People

IT Governance: When & How To Implement IT Governance Systems

DevOps Tools: Enhancing Automation with 5 Perfect Picks

Continuous Integration: Essentials for DevOps Stakeholders

Continuous Delivery: Safer System Deployment with Automation

CI/CD Pipelines: DevOps Essentials for IT Leadership

IT Automation with Python

6 Factors to Consider for Workload Automation Security

Empower Your Enterprise with Service Orchestration Microservices

IT automation is evolving into process orchestration

2024: Gartner’s IT Automation Trends Revisited

IT modernization initiatives must leverage automation in order to meet desired business goals

IT modernization hinges on a successful automation strategy

Low-code platforms provide prebuilt integrations and visual workflows editors so IT can rapidly assemble and iterate processes.

What are the Benefits of Low-Code IT Development?

Batch processing refers to the scheduled execution of jobs.

Batch processing and workload orchestration explained

An automation architect designs and implements enterprise automation strategies

Automation architect: What is it, and does your team need one?

Runbook automation eliminates manual tasks for faster incident response and IT services

Runbook Automation: What To Look For In RBA Tools

Event-based automation enables IT teams pass data and dependencies across enterprise applications and systems

How Event-Driven Automation Tools Enable New Business Models

Hybrid IT automation enables IT teams integrate, manage and orchestrate processes across cloud-based and on-premises systems

Hybrid IT automation: The first step for cloud expansion

NoOps relies on IT automation and analytics to eliminate the need for manual operations tasks

Preparing For A NoOps Future With IT Automation

Optimizing your application workloads can drastically improve IT reliability and process orchestration.

Best Practices For Hybrid IT Workload Optimization

Digital platform conductor tools enable IT teams to orchestrate application workloads and IT infrastructure.

Gartner’s Digital Platform Conductor Is A Much Bigger Trend

Process automation and orchestration enable IT teams to optimize data centers and streamline the delivery of services end-to-end

5 Ways To Simplify Data Center Automation And Orchestration

Workload automation simplifies governance and enables additional layers of security for automation environments

A Proactive Approach To Securing Your IT Automation Environment