Data center automation

Drive efficiency with data center automation and orchestration

ActiveBatch helps you reduce human errors and improve the reliability of your data center operations.

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Easily automate routine data center tasks

Automate server provisioning, application deployment, network management, security monitoring and more to boost the scalability and reliability of your data center operations.

Centralized management

Manage and monitor all data center operations from a single interface for better control and visibility.

Seamless workflows

Integrate with various tools and data sources without custom scripting to create, schedule and execute complex workflows.

Real-time monitoring

Stay on top of processes in real time and prevent potential issues with predictive analytics.

Automated disaster recovery and backup

Ensure business continuity with replication and failover strategies for quick failure recovery.

Multi-cloud and hybrid compatibility

Stay flexible with a solution built to connect to multiple systems and environments with little to no code.

Reliable security and compliance

Adhere to regulatory requirements with role-based access control, compliance tracking and more.

"Could I go and write scripts for everything we want to do? Yes, but it would take forever and centrally managing the workflows would be nearly impossible. ActiveBatch provides us with that single point of control."

— Alan Davis, Network Engineer

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Data warehouse automation FAQs

What is database automation?

Database automation uses software tools and solutions to perform database management tasks with minimal human intervention. This includes activities such as provisioning, configuration, patching, upgrading, monitoring and backup. Automation platforms streamline these processes, ensuring consistency, reducing errors and freeing up IT staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.

By automating routine database tasks, organizations can achieve higher uptime and reliability. Automation tools integrate with various databases and IT infrastructure components, allowing for seamless operations across different environments, including on-premises and cloud. Popular tools in database automation include Ansible, Puppet and proprietary solutions offered by cloud providers like AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Learn more about data warehouse automation and how you can optimize your ETL processes when you integrate with a workload automation solution.Unlock speed, efficiency and visibility with data warehouse automation.

What are the three types of data centers?

The three types of data centers are enterprise data centers, colocation data centers and cloud data centers. Enterprise data centers are owned and operated by a single organization, typically on-premises, to support its own IT services and apps. These facilities offer the highest level of control over configuration management and security but require significant investment in infrastructure and maintenance.

Colocation data centers, or "colos," lease space to multiple businesses within a shared facility. They provide infrastructure, power, cooling and physical security while each tenant manages its own IT equipment. This model offers benefits such as reduced downtime and access to advanced network automation and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tools.

Cloud data centers are operated by third-party providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. These facilities offer virtual machines and various IT services on a subscription basis. Cloud data centers are scalable and flexible, making them ideal for businesses that need to manage dynamic workloads and leverage automation solutions and artificial intelligence to optimize operations.

Learn more about data center transformation and how to update legacy infrastructure to support hybrid, multi-cloud and edge environments.

What is virtualization for data center automation?

Virtualization for data center automation involves creating virtual versions of physical IT resources, such as servers, storage devices and network components. This allows multiple virtual machines (VMs) to run on a single physical machine, optimizing resource usage and improving efficiency. Virtualization platforms, such as VMware, enable better resource management and allocation, reducing the need for additional hardware. Leveraging virtualization, organizations can automate various aspects of their data center operations. This includes deploying and managing VMs, performing backups and handling failover during outages.

Virtualization supports DevOps practices by enabling rapid provisioning and scalability, which is crucial for maintaining high availability and meeting the demands of end users. Open-source tools and self-service portals further enhance the automation ecosystem, providing IT teams with greater control and flexibility over their virtual environments.

Learn more about maximizing the benefits of your cloud IT automation software with our expert tips and best practices.

What is the difference between data orchestration and ETL?

Data orchestration refers to the automated coordination and management of various data processes across different systems and environments. It involves scheduling, executing and monitoring workflows to ensure data flows efficiently and accurately. Data orchestration tools can integrate with various IT services and applications for a unified view and control over data pipelines.

Extract, transform and load (ETL) is a specific data integration process where data is extracted from source systems, transformed into a suitable format and loaded into a destination system, typically a data warehouse. ETL focuses on the actual data manipulation and movement, while data orchestration manages the broader workflow, including dependencies and error handling. Both are crucial for efficient data center automation, offering benefits like improved data quality and operational efficiency across different operating systems and environments.

Learn all about ETL automation and testing, including testing tools and how they streamline data management.

Additional data center orchestration resources

Expand your knowledge of data centers, how they’re evolving and how to improve security while decreasing risk with automation.