Value Leader in EMA Workload Automation Radar report, 2016-2019
ASCI named Value Leader, the highest distinction offered in the report that analyzes the industry’s top Workload Automation vendors.
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Most Automated Workload Management Solution, 2019
ActiveBatch is recognized as the Most Automated Workload Management solution for its feature-rich capabilities, including job monitoring, resource provisioning, and automated remediation.

Best Native Managed File Transfer Capabilities, EMA Radar Report for Workload Automation, 2017
ActiveBatch was awarded for its comprehensive Managed File Transfer Automation capabilities.

Best Dynamic Workload Placement Solution, EMA Radar Report for Workload Automation, 2016
ActiveBatch was awarded for its functionality around the automated provisioning of virtual and cloud-based resources.
3 Essential Keys to Redefining IT Automation for Digital Business Success, 2017
Webinar featuring Dan Twing, President & COO of EMA, and Ben Rosenberg, President of ASCI.
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