ETL + Data warehouse

Optimize your ETL processes with automated data warehousing

Improve the data management processes by automating the entire data warehouse lifecycle, from data extraction and transformation to loading.

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Advance your ETL and data warehouse orchestration

ActiveBatch helps modern data-driven organizations manage and automate the entire data integration lifecycle.

Easy-to-use pre-built job steps

Eliminate time-consuming manual coding and simplify workflow creation with the Integrated Job Steps Library — a repository of drag-and-drop components that simplify ETL workflow building.

Low-code/no-code development

Empower your technical and non-technical users to participate in ETL and data warehouse management. ActiveBatch’s easy-to-use interface allows anyone to build ETL workflows with minimal coding.

Flexible time- and event-based triggers

Keep your data up to date without manual intervention. Automatically trigger ETL and data warehouse jobs based on a schedule or specific event.

Real-time monitoring

Get greater visibility and control with real-time monitoring and custom alerts to notify you of potential issues within your environment.

Long-term connectivity

Integrate with any data source or application now or any new technology you may obtain with the help of the Super REST API Adapter.

Consistent data transformation

Leave your siloed data transformation tools behind with built-in functionality for data cleansing, filtering, sorting and manipulation.

"We can coordinate between four different teams … while having one single viewing pane to monitor all of our dependent processes."

— Matt Sullivan, BI Manager

ETL and data warehouse FAQs

Is ETL before or after data warehouse?

Extract, transform and load (ETL) processes are performed before data reaches the warehouse. The process involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a consistent format and loading it into the data warehouse. This prepares the data for analysis and ensures the information is accurate and ready for business intelligence and decision-making.

Data warehouses store large volumes of data from different sources, allowing for complex data analysis and reporting. By performing ETL before data enters the data warehouse, organizations can maintain data integrity and improve the efficiency of their data analysis processes. This approach is essential for handling large amounts of data from diverse systems, including CRM, social media and IoT devices and integrating with tools like Amazon Redshift, Snowflake and other cloud data warehouses.

Learn more about the ETL automation process, including tools, benefits and everyday use cases.

What is the difference between ETL and EDW?

Extract, transform, load (ETL) and Enterprise data warehouse (EDW) are key data management components that serve different purposes. ETL refers to extracting data from various source systems, transforming it into a consistent format and loading it into a data repository. This process helps prepare data for analysis by cleaning, validating and integrating it from different sources, making it ready for use in various business intelligence applications.

On the other hand, an EDW is a centralized data store designed to support data analytics, reporting and decision-making across an organization. It consolidates data from multiple sources, including ETL pipelines, into a comprehensive repository. The EDW can handle large volumes of data, including structured and unstructured data, and supports complex queries and data visualization. It serves as the final destination for the data processed by ETL tools, providing a unified view of the organization's data for data engineers, data scientists and business analysts.

Learn more about data warehouses and the power of DWA (data warehouse automation).

How to automate an ETL process?

The extract, transform, load (ETL) process involves five key steps to prepare data for analysis:

  1. Extraction: Data is gathered from various source systems, such as databases, CRM systems and cloud applications. This step involves retrieving raw data in different formats, including SQL, NoSQL, XML and more.
  2. Data cleaning: The extracted data is cleaned to remove errors, duplicates and inconsistencies. This ensures the quality and accuracy of the data before it is transformed.
  3. Transformation: The cleaned data is transformed into a consistent format. This involves applying business rules, aggregating data and converting data types to match the target database schema.
  4. Loading: The transformed data is loaded into the target system, which could be a data warehouse, data lake or another data repository. This step involves inserting the data into the destination storage.
  5. Validation and quality assurance: The loaded data is validated to meet the required quality standards. This includes checking for data integrity and consistency and ensuring the data is ready for analysis and use in business intelligence applications.

These steps ensure that large volumes of data are accurately processed and integrated, supporting practical data analysis and decision-making.

Learn all about extract, transform, load (ETL) automation and testing, including testing tools and how they streamline data management.

What are the four stages of data warehouse?

The four stages of a data warehouse involve a systematic process to manage and utilize data effectively:

  1. Data sourcing: This stage involves collecting data from various sources, such as relational databases, CRM systems, SaaS applications and on-premises systems. The data can be in different formats and types, including structured and unstructured.
  2. Data staging: In this stage, the extracted data is temporarily stored in a staging area. Data cleaning, deduplication and validation are performed to prepare it for transformation. This step ensures the data is consistent and ready for the next stage.
  3. Data transformation: The staged data is transformed to match the target schema of the data warehouse. This involves applying business rules, aggregating data and converting data types. ETL solutions and data integration tools are commonly used in this stage to facilitate the process.
  4. Data loading and presentation: The final stage involves loading the transformed data into the warehouse. Once loaded, the data is organized and available for querying, reporting and analysis. This stage supports various use cases, including data science, business intelligence and machine learning applications, allowing users to discover insights from the data.

Discover how to unlock speed, efficiency and visibility with data warehouse automation.

Additional data warehouse and ETL resources

Expand your knowledge of ETL process automation and data warehouses and learn more about data sets, different types of data and more.