Microsoft Azure job scheduler integration

Improve resource optimization with the ActiveBatch extension for Azure Scheduler

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Expand Azure Scheduler’s native capabilities

The ActiveBatch extension for Azure helps IT teams enhance job automation and build complex workflows across environments and platforms.

  • Increase efficiency by reducing manual intervention and errors. Manage job collections and schedule, execute, and monitor jobs, recurring jobs, and workflows automatically
  • Reduce operating expenses with dynamic, just-in-time provisioning and cloud resource management
  • Better scalability to more easily manage large volumes of data and process tasks
  • Integrate Azure services with on-premises systems for greater flexibility in workflow management
  • Enhance visibility with detailed logging and real-time notifications to help identify issues proactively and quickly take corrective action
  • Increase security with encrypted credentials, secure file transfer protocols, identity and access management, and ActiveBatch’s REST API. ActiveBatch encrypts data in transit and at rest for maximum endpoint security and provides many authentication options to ensure only authorized users or applications can execute jobs
  • Automatically provision and deprovision Azure instances with ActiveBatch's Smart Queue tool. Dynamically manage Azure resources to match workload processing demands and automatically provision Azure instances prior to workload execution. Then deprovision them after workloads are completed
  • Gain efficiency in retrieving, accessing, managing, and submitting information across the extended enterprise with the ActiveBatch Web Services API. ActiveBatch includes ABATCMD, which is a cross-platform command line client built on Java that also supports Linux and UNIX command line interfaces

With the ActiveBatch Extension for Azure, your teams can still call HTTP/S endpoints or post messages to Azure Storage Queues on any schedule, just like you can on Azure. This makes it easy to execute scheduled jobs in Azure using ActiveBatch. ActiveBatch’s robust capabilities and environment-agnostic integrations open up a wider set of capabilities than any other SaaS or cloud computing job scheduler on the market.

ActiveBatch’s production-ready job steps simplify workflow creation and automate key Azure functions, such as managing individual or group instances, security tasks, rebooting, synchronizing or terminating instances and more.


ActiveBatch Resource

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Discover how to dynamically allocate Microsoft Azure resources to workload processing with just-in-time provisioning and other use cases.

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What ActiveBatch users are saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

Frequently Asked Questions

Azure Logic Apps, previously known as Azure Scheduler, is a cloud-based integration service offered by Microsoft Azure. It enables businesses to automate and orchestrate workflows and business processes seamlessly across various cloud-based and on-premises applications and services. Leveraging a wide array of connectors and integration solutions, Azure Logic Apps facilitates smooth data integration, transformation and routing, empowering organizations to streamline their enterprise integration efforts efficiently.

With its intuitive interface and support for integration templates, Azure Logic Apps simplifies the configuration and deployment of automation workflows tailored to specific business requirements. Whether it's orchestrating ETL pipelines, handling event-driven processes with Azure Event Grid or integrating with back-end systems like Azure Data Factory and Azure Service Bus, Azure Logic Apps provides the flexibility and scalability needed to meet the demands of modern cloud-based environments. By enabling organizations to automate repetitive tasks, Azure Logic Apps allows businesses to focus on innovation and drive digital transformation while maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Learn how to maximize the benefits of your Cloud IT automation software with our expert tips and best practices.

Yes. Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that allows workflow creation that integrates with ActiveBatch by creating a Logic App that uses the HTTP connector to call the ActiveBatch REST API and then pass parameters to the ActiveBatch job. ActiveBatch does not directly access the Azure Portal but interacts with Azure services through APIs, connectors, built-in job steps and extensions.

Using ActiveBatch, users can interact with services like Azure Storage, Azure Functions, Azure Virtual Machines, Service Bus, Azure Blob, Azure Batch, Microsoft Active Directory and more. This enables users to create and manage automated workflows that interact with Azure services while also gaining greater efficiency, flexibility and scalability in workload management.

Explore the benefits of distributed job scheduling and how it can help your organization automate and optimize workloads.

Azure Logic Apps is a versatile integration platform provided by Microsoft Azure, designed to streamline and automate workflows across various cloud-based and on-premises applications and services. It plays a crucial role in orchestrating business processes efficiently, connecting with job schedulers to ensure seamless task execution and scheduling. By leveraging a vast array of connectors and integration solutions, Azure Logic Apps enables organizations to integrate with job schedulers effortlessly, facilitating smooth data transformation and orchestrating workflows with precision.

Whether it's automating data processing tasks, orchestrating complex workflows with Azure DevOps or integrating with back-end systems like SQL Server and SAP, Azure Logic Apps provides the flexibility and scalability required to meet diverse integration needs. Its intuitive interface and support for box connectors make it easy to configure and deploy automation workflows, while its seamless integration with Azure services such as Azure API Management and Azure Service Bus Queue ensures reliable and efficient operation. With Azure Logic Apps, organizations can enhance productivity, streamline operations and drive digital transformation while maximizing throughput and optimizing resource utilization.

Learn how to implement DevOps automation in on-premises environments using the right tools and practices.

Be ready to automate anything

Build and automate workflows in half the time without the need for scripting. Gain operational peace of mind with real-time insights, customizable alerting and more.

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