ActiveBatch Oracle Database Job Scheduler Integration

Create end-to-end workflows between Oracle and other applications with ActiveBatch's prebuilt Job Steps

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Advanced Automation Capabilities for Oracle Jobs

Extend your automation capabilities for Oracle with ActiveBatch's production-ready Job Steps. Using ActiveBatch's library of Job Steps, Oracle users can include Oracle database functions in complex business and IT workflows. With ActiveBatch’s simple drag-and-drop interface, these workflows span Oracle and non-Oracle technologies, applications, and databases.
The ActiveBatch Integrated Jobs Library support for Oracle includes:

  • Start Job

  • Import / Export

  • Connect / Disconnect

  • Get Job Status

  • Synchronize Job

  • Pl-SQL Block

Leverage ActiveBatch’s advanced scheduling capabilities for Oracle jobs and incorporate Oracle processes into end-to-end workflows across IT and business processes. And you can do it all without creating or maintaining custom scripts.

ActiveBatch supports running Oracle jobs on its server or on other systems running the Oracle client. In addition, ActiveBatch provides both agent and agent-less access to Oracle systems for invoking tasks.

Simplify your scheduling with ActiveBatch and Oracle Job Scheduler

Oracle Database is more than just a data store—it’s also an enterprise manager of jobs. It includes Oracle Scheduler, which controls when and where computing tasks occur in your enterprise environment. Without an enterprise-wide job scheduling solution, database administrators (DBAs) are confined to the limited capabilities of the native Oracle Scheduler.
With ActiveBatch’s sophisticated scheduling functionality, teams see lower operating costs, reliable routines, minimal human error, and shorter time windows—all with less manual intervention.

Key Benefits

  • Job chaining across multiple Oracle systems and easy management of many Oracle jobs and workflows

  • Single point of scheduling to integrate Oracle jobs with other jobs steps from the Integrated Jobs Library

  • Pass information from Oracle databases to other servers, databases, or applications without custom script creation

  • Event Triggers for Oracle Databases that support the initiation of ActiveBatch jobs and workflows to execute on the insertion, update, or deletion of information

  • Improve reliability through ActiveBatch non-cluster failover, checkpoint restarts, and workload balancing

  • Integrate file, resource, and variable constraints with Oracle jobs to reduce errors and ensure accuracy

  • Customizable and flexible notifications for Oracle jobs to ensure data is up to date and reliable

ActiveBatch improves the automation and integration of Oracle with other Oracle or non-Oracle jobs, scripts and applications into workflows, resulting in improved service levels and a reduced total cost of operations.


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Enhance Oracle scheduling with ActiveBatch Workload Automation and Enterprise Job Scheduling

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What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

Frequently Asked Questions

A job is a combination of a schedule (the frequency of job execution) and a program. There may also be additional arguments the program requires. The kind of is defined by the job-Type while what the job does is defined by the job_action. A job can perform a task defined by PL/SQL block, stored procedure, chain, external script, and program.
To name a job, follow SQL naming rules to name Scheduler objects in the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. To create multiple jobs, you can select JOB_NAME from USER_SCHEDULED_JOBS after defining jobs and adding them to the array. When selecting the end_date for the job to no longer run, the job will be dropped if auto_drop is TRUE. If it is FALSE, the job will be disabled and the STATE set as COMPLETED.
To alter, run, copy, drop, stop, disable or enable a job, you must be the job owner. You cannot select owners other than the user in whose schema the job was created. Discover ActiveBatch’s reliable, powerful, and extensive job scheduling.

Oracle Scheduler helps simplify hundreds or thousands of tasks, and is implemented by the DBMS_Scheduler package.

  • To create one job type the command BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB procedure; for multiple jobs, use DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOBS procedure. Some job attributes can be assigned in the CREATE_JOB procedure, but others must be set with DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE.
  • To create a job in another schema, simply specify schema.job_name. Once a job is created, it can be queried with the *_SCHEDULER_JOBS views. DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS will display all information pertaining to Scheduler jobs in the database.
  • To drop one or more jobs in one or more job classes, use the syntax DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB.
  • To create a credential for the job to use, input exec DBMS_scheduler.CREATE_CREDENTIAL
  • By default, jobs are disabled when created. Enable it with the procedure DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE. To disable procedures or a job, use DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE.
  • Job Classes define jobs by resource consumer group and database service name. Associating a job with a Job Class helps you manage the resources a Job can use during execution. The syntax to create a Job Class is DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS.
  • The procedure DBMS_SCHEDULER.STOP_JOB will stop a job.
  • To return the system data, input SYSTIMESTAMP. The return type is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
  • To schedule a UNIX/Linux shell script in DBMS_SCHEDULER, you can define an Oracle program with the location of the shell script, create a schedule for the job, and associate a job with the schedule.

Explore how you can optimize operations with ActiveBatch’s enterprise job scheduler.

With 130 production-ready job steps, ActiveBatch enhances Oracle automation capabilities for improved service levels and lower costs. Easily designate sys admins so everything continues to run smoothly. With ActiveBatch’s drag-and-drop interface, creating complex workflows is straightforward and easier than ever. Explore how ActiveBatch simplifies workload automation.

You can run job requests of divergent types, including Java classes, PL/SQL procedures, and process requests that run as forked processes. To define a start time, end time, and interval to apply to a job, use the create_schedule procedure. Learn more about ActiveBatch’s low-code automation and script optimization.

There are a few ways to monitor scheduler jobs. First, you can view the job log, which includes the data dictionary views SCHEDULERJOB_LOG and SCHEDULERJOB_RUN_DETAILS where * = {DBA|ALL|USER}. You can also query and additional data dictionary, write applications that receive state events from the scheduler, or configure jobs to send email notifications for state changes. There are many procedure parameters to set to ensure you get the information you need. If you need to define job schedulers, look in the SQL Developer Connections tab.
Or, you could monitor it all in ActiveBatch, which acts as a single point of control and central dashboard to monitor all job scheduling activity across your entire environment. Uncover ActiveBatch’s flexible monitoring, alerting, and reporting.

Use the procedure CREATE_PROGRAM to create a program. From there you can define the program_name, program_action, and program_type. To set argument values for your program, use DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT or DEFINE_ANYDATA_ARGUMENT procedures.
Scheduler does have some predefined metadata arguments that can be passed as an argument to the program if the program logic is dependent on the Scheduler environment. If your program needs to access specific job metadata, define a special argument with the DEFINE_METADATA_ARGUMENT procedure. Be careful when setting arguments; a program can become disabled if number_of_arguments is changed so that arguments are no longer defined. Discover how ActiveBatch helps you build and automate reliable end-to-end workflows in half the time.

Yes, you can create a job that points to a named schedule rather than inlining its schedule. To do this, specify a value for schedule_name in the CREATE_JOB procedure. Do not specify values for start_date, repeat_interval, or end_date. Expressions for calendaring follow the same format. FREQ= is the frequency for the job to run; BYDAY, BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, and BYSECOND specify when jobs will run, either daily, hourly, or minutely. For example, FREQ=DAILY INTERVAL=10 is a job that runs every 10 days. FREQ=DAILY BYHOUR-16,17,18 schedules a job to run daily at 4,5, and 6 pm. Check out how ActiveBatch helps you monitor multiple tech stacks from a single point of control.

Be ready to automate anything.

Build and automate workflows in half the time without the need for scripting. Gain operational peace of mind with real-time insights, customizable alerting, and more.

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