ActiveBatch Oracle PeopleSoft job scheduler integration

Optimize and improve your PeopleSoft automation with the ActiveBatch extension for PeopleSoft

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Cross-platform scheduling for Oracle and non-Oracle applications

PeopleSoft is a leading solution for business application and process management but provides limited functionality in its native Process Scheduler tool. 

Process Scheduler is not built to manage workloads outside of PeopleSoft, and in today’s complex IT environments, users simply require more advanced scheduling capabilities to integrate data from other applications, databases and technologies.

The ActiveBatch extension for the PeopleSoft application provides a single, cross-platform scheduling solution that executes PeopleSoft jobs, workload automation, batch scheduling and business processes across disparate operating systems, platforms and databases, including Windows, Linux, Unix and databases accessed via SQL.

ActiveBatch PeopleSoft extension benefits

The ActiveBatch Integrated Jobs Library simplifies the development and automation of complex business and IT processes within unified workflows developed using simple drag-and-drop Job Step templates.

This extension enables you to:

  • Increase visibility into workflows and processes and manage all jobs from a single point of control
  • Reduce expenses and increase efficiency by creating end-to-end workflows that integrate PeopleSoft jobs with other applications, databases and technologies
  • Improve scheduling and allow users to incorporate PeopleSoft jobs into larger workflows — all managed in ActiveBatch
  • Easily automate processes, such as file transfers, that upload and export key data types, including specific file names, to or from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler and external systems
  • Seamlessly integrate data and asynchronous processes from across your organization and tools, including your CRM, ERP and HCM
  • Eliminate complex workflows that rely on custom scripting or switching between closed tools
  • Interact with jobs and processes within ActiveBatch via the Process Request web service interface and eliminate the need to install tools on the Execution Agent or Job Scheduler machines
  • Enumerate PeopleSoft processes within an ActiveBatch workflow, including those with dependencies
  • Identify complex workflows that include multiple batch processes in PeopleSoft with easy integration into Run Control ID
  • Monitor and manage all scheduled and running jobs in real time

Improve SLA performance

ActiveBatch monitors service-level agreements (SLAs) associated with workflows, including PeopleSoft processes and other tasks. Instead of relying on manual inspections and estimates to determine SLA compliance, ActiveBatch enables IT organizations to automate this process for both simple and complex workflows.

ActiveBatch will automatically change workflow priorities and ensure additional resources are allocated to meet deadlines. These features make it easy to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and efficiency.

Advanced reporting and data management

The ActiveBatch PeopleSoft integration gives you a variety of reporting and data management options, including:

  • COBOL: ActiveBatch supports the execution of COBOL processes for transaction processing and PSjobs, or batch jobs. 
  • Crystal Reports: Use ActiveBatch to schedule and run Crystal Reports. This tool builds high-quality, presentation-ready reports with data from across your PeopleSoft applications.
  • Data Mover: Integrate PeopleSoft’s Data Mover utility with ActiveBatch to streamline the transfer of data between PeopleSoft databases and facilitate efficient backup and recovery.
  • nVision: Manage nVision report instances to gain deeper insights into your financial structures with customizable, Excel-based reports.
  • SQR reports: Automate the generation and distribution of SQR reports, which are essential for producing complex financial documentation and statistical analyses directly from the PeopleSoft platform.

Extend capabilities beyond PeopleSoft and ActiveBatch

ActiveBatch leverages a robust API to seamlessly integrate data and processes from across your organization and systems, including the PSNT (PeopleSoft Native) and Process Schedule servers. Enhance your PeopleSoft automations with the power of external applications, using ActiveBatch as your orchestration tool.

ActiveBatch Resource

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Improve PeopleSoft scheduling with the ActiveBatch extension for Oracle PeopleSoft.

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What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

Frequently Asked Questions

PeopleSoft is a suite of software solutions designed to address the complex needs and use cases of organizations in areas such as human resources management, finance, supply chain management and higher education. PeopleSoft helps enterprise teams manage their human capital efficiently with tools for recruiting, training, payroll, benefits and performance management.

In the finance sector, organizations can use PeopleSoft to manage core financial operations, including general ledgers, accounts payable and receivable, and more. For supply chain management, PeopleSoft offers functionality that streamlines procurement, inventory management, and order fulfillment. It’s also widely adopted by universities and colleges for managing student services, academic records and campus community engagements.

Check out the other integrations and extensions offered by ActiveBatch

You need to use the Process Scheduler to schedule a job in PeopleSoft. First, log into PeopleSoft and navigate to the Process Scheduler Request page. Select the desired process and specify the run control parameters. Set the recurrence and other scheduling options, such as frequency and timing. Submit the request to add it to the Process Scheduler queue, which will be executed based on the defined schedule.

With ActiveBatch, you can enhance this process by integrating PeopleSoft jobs into broader workflows that span multiple systems. Teams can create and manage jobs via a unified interface, use drag-and-drop templates to define job steps and leverage the Integrated Jobs Library to automate complex tasks. This approach provides better control, visibility, and flexibility in scheduling PeopleSoft jobs alongside other business processes and applications.

Learn why IT operations automation is important and how it can benefit your organization.

The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is a tool within the PeopleSoft ecosystem that enables the automation and management of batch jobs and processes. This tool facilitates the scheduling, execution and monitoring of various jobs that perform tasks such as generating reports, running payroll calculations or updating database records.

The Process Scheduler interacts with the PeopleSoft web server to manage the execution of these tasks based on predefined schedules or on-demand requests. Key components of the Process Scheduler include Process Monitor, where users can view the run status of submitted jobs, and Process Definitions, which define the terms and scripts for executing the jobs.

Learn more about the ActiveBatch Jobs Steps Library and how you can easily build and automate drag-and-drop jobs without advanced development skills.

Creating a workflow in PeopleSoft involves designing a sequence of steps that automate a business process according to certain rules and conditions. Here’s how to create a workflow:

  1. Access the Workflow Designer: Log into PeopleSoft and navigate to the Workflows Tools menu under PeopleTools. Select “Workflow Designer.”
  2. Define workflow events: Start by defining the events that will trigger the workflow. These could be certain transactions or changes in the database.
  3. Create activities: Build activities that the workflow will perform. These can include sending notifications, updating records or executing business logic.
  4. Set transitions: Define the transitions between activities based on conditions that dictate how the workflow progresses from one step to the next.
  5. Configure roles and permissions: Assign roles and set permissions to control who can perform or approve the activities in the workflow.
  6. Test the workflow: Before going live, thoroughly test each workflow to ensure it behaves as expected in various scenarios.
  7. Activate the workflow: Once it’s tested and confirmed, activate the workflow so it can start handling real data and transactions in your PeopleSoft system.

Use the ActiveBatch extension to manage larger workflows using the status of your scheduled jobsets in PeopleSoft.

Discover the benefits of workflow automation management and how to develop an implementation strategy.

Be ready to automate anything.

Build and automate workflows in half the time without the need for scripting. Gain operational peace of mind with real-time insights, customizable alerting, and more.

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