Auditing for Compliance and Control

Implement policy-driven governance across your organization with ActiveBatch's audit and compliance capabilities.

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Policy-Driven Governance 

ActiveBatch promotes policy-driven governance throughout the organization with capabilities such as revision history, policy authorizations, auditing, and advanced SLA management

ActiveBatch provides organizations with a single source to know exactly what’s running and when, with the ability to easily control and monitor the behavior and security of workflows. As a result, organizations benefit from improved transparency and control over the systems, applications, and databases in their environment. 

Audit Framework

ActiveBatch’s audit framework drives improved governance throughout the organization by preventing and minimizing the impact of unauthorized changes to workflows. All changes or modifications made to ActiveBatch Objects are audited so that users can see a full audit trail to more easily track object changes and troubleshoot job failures faster and more reliably. 

ActiveBatch records and stores these changes along with the object ID, name, time and date, the specific action, and the user who generated the actions. The audits can then be filtered, printed, and reported to comply with internal or external requirements. 

Revision History and Rollback 

Easily compare changes to objects with ActiveBatch’s Revision History. Revision histories provide users with a comparison of all changes that exist between revisions on any ActiveBatch Object. After comparing changes, if a user does not want to accept the changes made to the object’s properties, they can simply rollback to an earlier version, making that version the most current. 


Changesets allow users to associate and identify multiple object changes as part of a single check-in, and when necessary, rollback multiple changes at one time. Built-in audit trails show what changes were deployed, when, and by whom. Additionally, the ability to add comments to document the purpose of a changeset provides users with a high degree of maintainability, manageability, and control.

Change Management

Changesets within Change Management give users the ability to identify, rollback, restore, and audit groups of changes made within ActiveBatch Change Management.

Improving Security with Policies

ActiveBatch supports the use of policies to ensure a more secure automation environment. Users can customize audit fields (that can be optional or mandatory) that need to be filled out and validated to modify, trigger, update, or add an object within ActiveBatch. Fields can be created to require a description, approval, authorized ID, or any other policy requirement. As a result, organizations benefit from a more tightly controlled automation environment, with a reduced risk of unauthorized changes to objects.

Application Access Manager (Formerly, Application Identity Manager)

ActiveBatch V12 provides an out-of-the-box integration with CyberArk’s Application Access Manager, allowing ActiveBatch workflows to dynamically retrieve credentials from CyberArk at runtime before dispatching Jobs to Agents. This extends CyberArk’s benefits to ActiveBatch, providing an additional layer of security and simplifying credential management.

Service Level Agreements

ActiveBatch offers extensive management and monitoring for service level agreements (SLAs). ActiveBatch helps organizations improve service levels by automatically allocating more resources to SLA-marked jobs to ensure they meet established deadlines. Additionally, ActiveBatch’s SLA Monitor View provides a centralized viewpoint for gaining greater insights into critically marked SLA workflows with a real-time view combining text and graphical workflow relationships.

What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

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