Access hundreds of pre-built job step templates requiring no scripting.
Get fully customizable reporting and flexible monitoring and alerting capabilities.
Trigger automation based on events and more advanced scheduling features.
Keep systems and data safe with controlled access across on-premises, hybrid and cloud.
Work within user-friendly interfaces and capture information in different views.
Leverage provisioning capabilities to maximize cloud infrastructure investments and resources.
Automatically manage, monitor and prevent failure of service level agreements (SLAs).
Experience high availability in the event of outages or failures with flexible, scalable architecture.
Use Cases
Orchestrate business processes end-to-end across your tech stack.
Securely and seamlessly automatically transfer data and files for jobs.
Integrate and automate critical processes in your IT landscape.
Simplify end-to-end ETL processes for real-time data warehousing.
Automate multi-step business processes end-to-end, from simple to complex.
Maximize cloud infrastructure resources with agile automation.
Integrate and automate Microsoft SQL Server processes end-to-end.
Manage and resolve incidents automatically by integrating ServiceNow.
Automatically execute Microsoft SharePoint tasks with seamless integration.
Featured Resource
Workload automation software alternatives: A comparison guide
XLNT, developed by Advanced Systems Concepts, is an advanced command shell and scripting language for accessing and updating Windows securable objects. System Administrators and Application Developers are using XLNT to minimize and eliminate repetitive tasks without reliance on traditional programming languages and expensive development tools.
XLNT's unique and powerful commands, coupled with extensive remote access capabilities, eliminate unnecessary script statements and simplifies scripting tasks.
System Administrators employ XLNT as an advanced administrative tool, to easily address issues such as creating, modifying, deleting hundreds of Windows objects (i.e. files, shares, registry, printers, services) and their permissions. XLNT saves time and improves accuracy for administrative users.
Remote Systems Administration required for File Maintenance, CGI Development, Ad-hoc Application development and Event Scheduling becomes easier with XLNT. XLNT's advanced features include directly invoking API's, powerful built in functions for improved file and string handling, Input/Output redirection, secure TELNET like facility, nested command procedures, Universal Naming Convention (UNC) support and much more so organizations can reduce the overall cost of managing Windows systems.
Users and programmers who are familiar with DCL on OpenVMS will love the instant familiarity of the XLNT commands and syntax.
Print Management
Permissions for ALL Windows Objects: Active Directory, files, shares, registry, printers, services
WSH and ActiveX for improved and versatile GUI component integration
MAPI Support for messaging and alerting of events
Run Time Licenses for economical deployment of script "exe's"
Command Line client support of ActiveBatch, an enterprise scheduling and automation solution